Issue 626 – Verse of the Week

December 21st – December 27th, 2023


I will give you a new heart and a new spirit will I put within you.     Ezekiel 36:26

It’s a Wonderful Life

It seems to be a tradition in many households to watch the 1946 Jimmy Stewart film, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” in which George Bailey, who is ready to give up on everything, meets an angel who shows him what life in his town would have been like had he never existed. George discovers all the lives he has touched and, in the process, Clarence, the angel, earns his wings. It is fiction, of course, but it has warmed many hearts across the decades. God knows when you are downhearted, when the Christmas season may not hold what it used to for you, or when depression knocks at the door of your heart. However, there is Another who knocks at that door (Revelation 3:20), ready to restore joy and gladness to your life. You get to decide which knock you will answer. For the truly wonderful life, choose Jesus. 

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